
  • Paula Marcela Herrera Gómez Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
  • Juan David Morales Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
  • German Castellanos Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira



Palabras clave:

Coherencia Cardíaca, Características del EEG, Intervenciones Terapéuticas, Estado Socioeconómico, Ansiedad, Salud Mental Preventiva


Este estudio explora las oscilaciones electroencefalográficas (EEG) durante la coherencia cardíaca en individuos sanos, con el objetivo de abordar la falta de datos empíricos en esta área. Las posibles aplicaciones para estrategias terapéuticas en la ansiedad y la depresión subrayan la importancia de comprender las características del EEG durante la coherencia cardíaca.

This study delves into the electroencephalographic (EEG) oscillations during heart coherence in healthy individuals, aiming to address the dearth of empirical data in this area. The potential applications for therapeutic strategies in anxiety and depression underscore the significance of understanding EEG characteristics during heart coherence.


Conducted as a comprehensive, descriptive, exploratory cross-sectional study, participants underwent a multi-faceted intervention. Initially, socio-demographic characterization provided context. Psychometric testing was employed to gauge psychological parameters, while EEG signal analysis focused on key variables, encompassing frontal alpha asymmetry, absolute frontal theta power, absolute frontal beta power, absolute frontal alpha power, and absolute frontal theta power. The participants were assessed both before and after implementing heart coherence, with a special emphasis on exploring potential neurofeedback applications.

In the intervention, participants engaged in the "Coherence Coach" technique, involving controlled modulation of respiratory frequency to induce heart coherence. This technique is recognized for its efficacy in fostering emotional regulation. Neurofeedback applications aimed to modulate EEG parameters, potentially influencing emotional and mental well-being.


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