Global Neurosurgery: Its Time Has Come


  • Edward C Benzel Neurosurgery, Chairman Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio.


Palabras clave:



The world is shrinking.  We, as neurosurgeons, are enjoying an ever-increasing opportunity to communicate with each other via email, WhatsApp, webinars, virtual visiting professorships, and on and on.  This ‘movement’ provides much-needed augmented access to experts and each other worldwide.  This, simply put, is the essence of the term ‘Global Neurosurgery.’ 

‘Global neurosurgery’ is increasingly referenced in manuscripts and social media.  Of course, neurosurgeons have traveled the world for educational purposes for over 100 years.  However, in those days gone by, only the elite few were afforded the opportunity for such travel and education.  Accompanying the marked increase in opportunities to communicate and educate, the term ‘global neurosurgery’ now takes on a new meaning.  In a sense, it is a banner phrase that heralds the introduction and implementation of the latest communication and education access to all neurosurgeons.  Global neurosurgery has become the words on the banner of a new and exciting movement – i.e., disseminating neurosurgery knowledge, skills, and hopefully, resources to all neurosurgical world reaches.




Cómo citar

Benzel EC. Global Neurosurgery: Its Time Has Come. JGNS [Internet]. 23 de abril de 2021 [citado 8 de septiembre de 2024];1(1):15-. Disponible en: