Equity in Global Neurosurgery Publications: Breaking Down Barriers in Discourse


  • Kerry Vaughan Hospital for Sick Children
  • James T Rutka

Palabras clave:

global neurosurgery, journal, publication, authorship, research gap


As neurosurgery steps into a new era of global collaboration in clinical care and teaching, the academic opportunities for neurosurgeons in lower resource countries lag behind their counterparts in higher income countries. Halting the perpetuation of this historical divide requires a conscious effort in our community to equalize opportunities - not only in clinical care, but in research, publication, and mentorship opportunities. How can we render access to scientific opportunities more equitable worldwide?  One solution is to give neurosurgeons an open platform that supports those interested in the global-scale advancement of our field, such as the Journal of Global Neurosurgery. This inaugural issue signals an important step in broadening research horizons and opportunities in neurosurgery across regions and national borders. 




Cómo citar

Vaughan K, Rutka JT. Equity in Global Neurosurgery Publications: Breaking Down Barriers in Discourse. JGNS [Internet]. 24 de abril de 2021 [citado 8 de septiembre de 2024];1(1):32-3. Disponible en: https://medcytjournals.com/index.php/JGNS/article/view/185