A Seat at the Table: Representation of Global Neurosurgery in the G4 Alliance


  • Ulrick Sidney Kanmounye Executive Board, International Student Surgical Network (InciSioN), Sint-Truiden, Belgium.
  • Natalie Shenaman Executive Committee, The G4 Alliance, Chicago, IL, USA.
  • Marj Ratel orle-Bu Neuroscience Foundation, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
  • Kee B Park Global Neurosurgery Committee, World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies, Nyon, Vaud, Switzerland.
  • Sarah Woodrow oundation for International Education in Neurological Surgery XX.
  • omrade Lawal-AiyedunOlubunmi Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus Care Foundation, Abuja, Nigeria.
  • Suzanne Tharin ThinkFirst National Injury Prevention Foundation, Naperville, IL, USA.
  • Tariq Khan Department of Neurosurgery, Northwest School of Medicine and Northwest General Hospital, Peshawar, Pakistan.
  • Makinah Haq Executive Board, International Student Surgical Network (InciSioN), Sint-Truiden, Belgium.
  • Elliott Taylor Executive Board, International Student Surgical Network (InciSioN), Sint-Truiden, Belgium.
  • William Harkness InterSurgeon, Cornwall, UK.
  • Nathan Shlobin Global Neurosurgery Committee, World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies, Nyon, Vaud, Switzerland.
  • Richard Moser Solidarity Bridge, Evanston, IL, USA.
  • Josh Korn CURE International, Spring Lake, MI.
  • Robert Dempsey Global Neurosurgery Committee, World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies, Nyon, Vaud, Switzerland.
  • Gail Rosseau Global Neurosurgery Committee, World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies, Nyon, Vaud, Switzerland.




The Global Alliance for Surgical, Obstetric, Trauma and Anaesthesia Care (G4 Alliance, http://www.theg4alliance.org/) is the preeminent global surgery advocacy organization (1) dedicated to eliminating disparities in surgical care around the world. A coalition of over 60 non-profit organizations, professional societies, academic centers, and other groups, the G4 Alliance represents civil society interests in global surgery from the grassroots to the international level. The organization convenes its membership to address common interests and concerns, facilitates knowledge and resource sharing, builds consensus and alignment, and conducts outreach with multilateral organizations, donors, and other global health programs and advocacy initiatives. In a sector characterized by diverse actors and fragmentation of care delivery, scholarship, and funding (2,3),  the G4 Alliance provides communication and coordination around a common surgical and health system strengthening agenda. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the multiple organizations that specifically contribute to neurosurgical advocacy within the G4 Alliance.




How to Cite

Sidney Kanmounye U, Shenaman N, Ratel M, Park KB, Woodrow S, Aiyedun Olubunmi CL, Tharin S, Khan T, Haq M, Taylor E, Harkness W, Shlobin NA, Moser R, Korn J, Dempsey RJ, Rosseau G. A Seat at the Table: Representation of Global Neurosurgery in the G4 Alliance. JGNS [Internet]. 2021 Apr. 23 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];1(1):73-7. Available from: https://medcytjournals.com/index.php/JGNS/article/view/237